
Saturday, May 21, 2016


As some of you may know, I'm keen on photography,
and also big on using up all my old photo prints that
are less than perfect.
In fact, my book Adventures in Photo Artistry is almost all about creating artworks from them. Artists can also find numerous tips on composition, such as the rule of thirds illustrated below.
I've created many, many collage projects and montages too, plus numerous transparency activities. The piece shown below is one of the latter, with selective removal of a portion of the image done by hand.
scribble, art+blog
Guhin, blog
 Similarly, this transparency (above) has been drawn on with markers. If you do this, choose an image with white (meaning clear) areas so your marks will show up well.

Here's another post, dibble-dabble-scribble, using transparencies, again with some selective removal of the image.
And yet another! mixed-media-with-transparencies 

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