
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Paint, Press, and Peel! An Easy Technique to Make a Background.

Altering paper to create interesting backgrounds or collage papers is simple and inexpensive. Use an enhanced sheet as an element in a collage or as a ground on which to create a two-dimensional work of art. It can also serve as a mat: Place it between a sturdy support and a piece of artwork, or cut a window and place it on top.
Below you’ll find a tried ‘n’ true tutorial for creating a striking effect on paper.

1. Select vintage papers you don't value too much, scrap sheets, or even newspaper pages.

2. Paint acrylics randomly and heavily here and there onto one sheet of paper. Quickly mix and blend colors as desired, using whatever tool you wish. Leave some of the paint thicker in places.

3. While the paint is still wet, press the first piece of paper into it and lift. Instant texture!
4. Try smaller pieces of paper lifted in different directions to produce variety. Keep pressing and lifting more papers until the desired effects are no longer produced.
(Some of you will think my examples look just plain messy, and I would have to agree with you! However, I do plan to use them, changed, as elements in other artworks.)

Free to a Commenting Follower

Remember my freebie (previous post) to be given to a follower who leaves a comment? If you've already done so below, great! Your name is already in the hat. But if you haven't yet and still want a chance to win the blog candy (Romance, frame and all), please leave a comment here. The random drawing will take place Saturday, January 15. Winner announced then!


  1. this sounds like a great technique, I was planning on making some background papers this week, I will be sure and try this out! thanks for posting this!

  2. Hi Paula,
    I have just discovered your wonderful blog, and thank you for the nice comment you left on mine.
    The technique you have shared here looks like fun ! I can imagine using junk-mail envelopes as a base too, to create inserts for visual journals, or mailers for small artwork exchanges.


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