
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Another Valentine for my Followers! A Giveaway Contest

To say thanks to my present and (I hope) future followers, I am drawing a name from all
those followers who leave a comment here,
to receive the mixed media collage/painting shown below. I will mail the framed, signed work as soon as the winner (after Friday, Jan. 28)
emails me their postal address.

Remember, be a follower and you only need to comment once, with this posting, by late Friday of next week!


  1. I like your site, you have some awesome collages!!!!!!!!

  2. Love this, Paula. I really like the direction you are going with your artwork.

    Judy Westegaard

  3. I've loved you since I was little. You ignored me. Ida called me a brat, but loved me the most. Win this or not, I will always love you.

  4. This is beautiful!! I am a new follower.

  5. cool I love it!

    hockiemack at

  6. Thank you for visiting my blog which led me to your wonderful blog! I am now a follower of yours. Even though I love, love, love the piece you're giving away, I would have clicked to follow you even if you weren't having a giveaway! Great blog! D~~~~

  7. Hi Paula, I just wanted you to know I received your GORGEOUS Romantic canvas. Its even better in person and will hold a special place in my studio.
    I have two posts pre scheduled but I will show it off on my blog in a coupls of days. Thank you so much!!!! I LOVE it!!!
    Hugs Lynn

  8. I love your art & books! I became a follower.

    iamvictorias at gmail dot com

  9. That is beautiful and what a lovely gift to brighten up these cold Ohio winters. Have a wonderful weekend:)

  10. Oh my, the hearts seem to be floating. I'm so glad I ran into your blog

  11. What a wonderful work of art ... love the hearts!!!


  12. I absolutely Love this! Sooo beautiful!

    had trouble posting - so had to do anonymous - but my name is Karen at kryn44 at hotmail dot com.


Your kindness in leaving a message is greatly appreciated!