
Wednesday, October 19, 2016


MASKING with flat paper cut-outs enhances this
first technique, monoprinting. I usually roll
water-based printing ink onto a sheet of
Plexiglas and draw or scrape designs directly
on that surface. I used rubber tips and many
other scraping tools to make lines, shapes,
and patterns.

TIP: Work quickly so the ink doesn't get too

 Then add the paper masking shapes, which                            
you could prepare ahead of time if you know
what your theme or motif is.
Lay the paper shapes on top of the still-wet
ink, wherever more white is to be preserved.
Place the sheet of printing paper onto the
inked, designed surface. Press all over the
back with the flat of your hand. Peel the
Guhin, copyrighted, blog
I used oil pastels on this monoprint.
print off, let dry.
While the black-and-white
prints have graphic appeal,
they’re even more delightful
when partly colored. Use
dry media when the print is
thoroughly dry: colored
pencils or pastels (oil or chalk).
However, if you printed with oil-based ink or acrylics,
the print is not water-soluble and you can colorize
with inks or watercolors!

Guhin, art, blog, tute
This page spread appears in the November issue of Arts & Activities
Magazine, which any visual arts educator should have!

IMAGE TRANSFER with waxed paper is exciting. 
Computer images that are graphic and black &            
white work best on the waxed paper.                                 
The final print will be reversed.

First, the computer image must be no larger
than 8.5” x 11.”  Cut both smooth watercolor
paper and waxed paper to that size, too.
Then dampen the watercolor paper with
water and wipe it off, because too much
water will make the print blur terribly.
Set that aside but don't let dry too much.
To prevent wrinkles or jamming the printer,
scotch tape the waxed paper smoothly to a                                                
sheet of printer paper at the top. 
how-to, tute, tutorial
Image transfer on waxed paper.
Or use repositional adhesive spray at the top end.
Either side of the waxed paper works.

Feed the sandwich into the printer and print.
TIP: Definitely use an inkjet printer.

Don’t be alarmed by the “faint” print you get
on the waxed paper…it’s supposed to look like
that! Gently lay it ink-side down onto the pre-
dampened watercolor paper. Holding the
waxed paper firmly down so it doesn’t move,
press all over with your hand. Then carefully
Guhin, art+blog
Watercolors on sealed print.
lift the waxed paper. It will still have ink,
so be careful not to drag it.

These prints are water soluble,
so colorize with dry media only.
Or spray the print with
clear acrylic when dry,
let that dry too,
then add watercolors or inks.
Both techniques are easy and fun to do,
so I hope you enjoy them.


  1. Great post! Love the tutorials, thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks back atcha, girl, and I'm so glad to have you as a follower!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This removed comment was just a duplicate. Sorry.

  4. Yet another twist on the many approaches to monoprinting. This one sounds like great fun! Thanks, Paula....and have a perfectly wicked Halloween!!!

    1. Lynn, don't overdo on the chocolate like me! Have a wonderful holiday this month, and the next!


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