
Monday, February 8, 2016


You have know you do...saved pieces on which you experimented, or scraps from failed works. Maybe you even keep papers on which you've tried out colors or wiped your brush!
This tutorial describes my own, simple method for creating a quick collage. Use it as fun inspiration, motivation, as a lesson for kids, or perhaps even to make a serious finished artwork! You can also add mark-making if you feel some areas need more. OR you might borrow from the finished design to compose a painting!

tutorial, how-to
A "Primary-ly" red, yellow, and blue color scheme.
1. Go through your stash of your own, original decorative papers. You might already have a color scheme in mind...I did! Gather them together, and check to see if you've included a full range of values from near-black to white. TIP: No need to stick with brights, as I did...all neutrals are terrific for this. Or complementaries like orange and blue, or whatever grabs you!
collage, tutorial, MixedMediaManic
Not a collage, just a sampling of papers, but I sorta like it.
2. I went with cut edges and geometric shapes, although torn, organic shapes work too. Aim for a variety of sizes (and shapes). Arrange on a sturdy support and audition a number of compositions before gluing anything down. Strive for balance! And unity! Are there some similarities and some differences? Is the finished collage harmonious? HAVE FUN!


  1. This is such a good idea! It's perfect for those times when you want to create something but there's not enough time to get out the paints and start from scratch. Or to experiment with composition or color combinations. Or simply as an easy warm up exercise. And a "grab bag" of painted papers accompanied by a glue stick and some small pieces of watercolor paper to serve as supports would make a nice get well gift for an artist friend who's feeling under the weather!

    1. Lynn, you are always right on..a quick idea without embellishment, a great warmup, thanks so much for saying so! I did try an earlier thanks to you but just found out it did not go through.


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