
Wednesday, September 16, 2015


This project is fun for all ages,
but kids especially like it!
One-of-a-kind prints.
art+blog, monoprint
Press hard with oil pastels or crayons!
  • A sheet of plexi or other smooth surface for the ink
  • A brayer (ink roller)
  • Printing ink (waterbased block printing ink works great)
  • Tools such as small squares of matboard, plastic forks, etc.
  • Paper in contrasting color from the ink
  • Oil pastels, chalk pastels, or crayons
 Spread a thin layer of the ink with the brayer. Use tools or even the hands to scrape designs in the ink. Work quickly so the ink doesn't dry.
NOTE: The printed design will be backwards, so no names, initials, or words, please! Kids need that reminder.
Press paper onto the inked design, working all over with the flat of the hand to transfer it. Peel off and set aside to dry. (Kids should have written their names on their papers on the backside beforehand.)
This next part is awfully fun! The next day, use bright colors to enhance some of the "blank" parts of the design.       
printmaking, mixed-media
A monoprint with color added later.

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