
Saturday, January 31, 2015


Just as last week's post used a layer of paint to
define shapes, you will create flat layers of color
with this painting method too!
I won't lie to must be patient to try this with a fairly
complex design, but the results can be very pleasing.
how-to, acrylic, paint
I used a complementary color scheme of orange and blue.
First, choose a limited palette with no more than 5 different values.
Rules are made to be broken, of course, but 4 or 5 tints and shades
are my suggestion. They should probably range from very light to
very dark, but again that's up to you.

I wanted white in my painting, so painted the entire canvas with
white first, and let dry. For my subject matter I considered
dancing figures, which would be terrific for this project,
but went with the branching trees instead.

Select a motif that you wish to repeat, and begin with the lightest color, as I did with the pale peach trees at the right, above. Never mind the peach in the background...that comes last!
Next, I painted in the two orange trees (note how one overlaps a peach tree a bit), then the deep blue ones, and finally the dark brown trees. Let dry between colors, and do some overlapping to add interest and tie everything together.

Finally, carefully, fill in the flat negative spaces. (Youngsters--heck, even semi-oldsters!--may not have the motor skills for this.)
                                         THANKS FOR VIEWING THIS POST!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Paula. This will be a fun. As you said, it might try my patience, but I will stick with it, because I know the outcome will be good!


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