
Thursday, October 16, 2014


"Boos and ghouls" (boys and girls) of all ages enjoy this Halloween activity for kids,
Frightfully clever!'s so easy it's scary. Create "bootiful" kaleidoscopes!
Note: If you would rather engage in a less, um, spirited project, use autumnal motifs such as gourds, apples, pears, wheat, and (of course) fall leaves. 

project, lesson, student
No's a treat!

activity, teacher
Add this to your bag of tricks!

First, gather assorted colors of bright art paper or construction paper in orange, brown, tan, yellow, red, gold, and yes, even gray, white and black.
  1. Cut the paper into 6" and 9" squares, enough for at least three or four pieces in different colors for each kaleidoscope.
  2. Fold a 6" piece twice, down to a 3" square. Draw a shape on it so big that it "touches" the sides of the square. (The "hinges" on the folded sides will hold the shape together later.) Bones, spiders, skulls, witches, ghosts, black cats, bats, and jack-o-lanterns are motifs that might not be allowed in some homes or schools, but other little goblins usually love them. 
  3. Scissors will do for the young artist to cut around the shape, leaving the folds uncut. If the artists are mature enough to handle craft knives properly, they should also cut openings within the shapes to add interest: eyes, mouths, and other open-work. Because the square stays folded, the cutter must press hard to go through all the layers. Use an old magazine or a thick pad of newspapers underneath, of course.
  4. When the cut paper is opened up, it looks very different! Now do two or three others, in other colors and shapes. Then try them overlapped behind or in front of the first.
  5. Finally, as a background, use a solid (uncut) 9" square or larger of yet another color. Plan first and glue later, rotating the pieces and trying different layer combos to achieve the most pleasing arrangement.

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