
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Collage - Painting Step-by-step!

A Finished Mixed-media Artwork in 3 Steps!

First, look through your stash of materials for inspiration. Papers, colors, imagery, embellishments...find your motivation before you start.
When you've decided on some of the media and a color scheme, try an arrangement with the largest pieces first (the background), and work "up" or outward from there. The photo below shows my initial layout.
P. Guhin, how-to
A nature theme and neutral colors.
Next, I adhered the various elements
and added acrylic paint, but of course
the piece needed more work.

mixed-media, tutorial
This collage - painting is not finished yet!

Burlap and corrugated cardboard
add texture!

Finally, as shown below,
I decided on a primary
color scheme and added
red and blue accents.
White and black are the
extreme values I desired.

mixed media, tute, acrylics    
The finished mixed media painting.


  1. OMG, I just realized I "put a bird on it." Damn!

  2. LOL. You could always collage something over it, but that would be a shame because it really works and is the focal point of the collage. And it has a sweet Mother's Day feel to it, unless the fox gets a hold of those babies. Anyway, I like the how to.


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