
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

PhotoMontage Rainbow!

So colorful! So graphic! So easy that kids can do it!

High-key photograph, black and white.

First, you need a high-contrast black and white photo image.
      Load a photocopier with three or four colors of copier paper. Lighter colors work better, but brights are outstanding! 
    tutorial, art book, art lesson
    My beloved Arab stallion, missed greatly.
    • Sandwich the copies together and cut strips either vertically or horizontally (but not both). TIP: Vary the widths of the strips for added interest.  
    • Another TIP: Lay the pieces down in the correct order!
    • Alternate colors as you glue the strips  to a sturdy substrate. (Yes, you'll have enough leftover strips to do this project two or three more times!)      
    art book, P.Guhin
    Do the strips detract from the photo? Maybe, but it's fun!
    Find many more exciting photo-art activities in this new book, pictured below!
    Paula Guhin
    Available Here!
    Paula Guhin



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