
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Multi-Media Experiment & a Giveaway

As a former 60s hippie at heart, I always adored the light shows. With some fluorescent spray paints and a squeeze bottle of glow-in-the-dark paint on hand, I just had to try my hand at a mixed-media artwork requiring my black-light bulb for display purposes.

First, I sprayed a large piece of heavy cardboard with Krylon neon paints in several fluorescent colors. I encouraged some drips, too!
black-light, multi-media
The pale-blue squiggles are glow-in-the-dark paint!
I had a roll of self-adhesive aluminum tape. It did have printing on it, but that turned out to be okay! Below is a shot of the tape and some shapes I cut from it.
neon, fluorescent

The flat shapes didn't adhere all that well, even though I allowed the background paint to dry first. But that, too, was ok!
Finally, at night in a dark room, with my blacklight nearby and on, I photographed the piece.
Paula Guhin, art blog
Hate it? Love it? Let me know!

Giveaway for my followers! This contest is now closed.
Are you a glitzy, sparkly person who would love to use these 5 DecoArt products (below)? Then be a follower of Mixed Media Manic and leave a comment below. From those, a winner will be chosen randomly when the contest closes. 
blog candy


  1. Totally psychedelic man!!! LOL! I'am most definitely a sparkly person. LOL! I'am almost always wearing glitter nearly every day! Either on purpose or not. :) Would love to win these!! Hugs! deb
    nuleaf at comcast dot net

  2. I love sparkly things!
    GFC follower!

  3. Nice work, useful tips. I am teaching my granddaughter mixed media techniques. She would love to work with glitter.

  4. I'm a cat, of course I love glitter and sparkle...actually I thrive with them, wilt without LOL



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