
Saturday, June 29, 2013


This week I present a pair of collages that are mostly paper.
First, an artwork in which I pay homage to artists from our past. It's called Atelier, and I pieced it together from many, many cut-outs.
mixed mediacollage, Paula Guhin

The second "primarily paper" collage is also made up of many pieces. Do you prefer the more colorful, "fruity" one above or the collage depicting an artist's studio?
art blogmixed media


  1. I like the artists studio myself :) Great work!

  2. I prefer the artist's studio. Lots to look at, a bit of mystery, intrigue. I like the paintings I spy. The figure is interesting and pulls me in. The fruit is appealing, but hard to decipher. It's hard to find a focal point. It seems to be trying to tell a story, but I don't know what. Thanks for sharing them; they're inspiring.

  3. The fruity collage makes me want to push through the apples to enter what appears to be a forest. It's like a path that isn't easy to walk down, and I like it. However, the artist's studio is truly fascinating. You made it come together as a "room", which I couldn't imagine being able to do!

  4. Hi Paula! The artist collage is fascinating! I keep finding new things to see. However, I'm going to diverge from the rest of the group and pick (again with the puns! aak!) the fruit. It is absolutely luscious in subject matter, color, and design. I love that you chose fruit. I get so tired of the many bazillions of floral art pieces! I always wonder why more don't go with a fruit work if they want to do a plant type theme. You did it wonderfully. You gave a great look of dimension! You know, what really caught my eye, too, is how your color placement. The yellows/oranges into the greens then the reds and purples. A rhapsody of fruit!

  5. Thanks to all of you for the great input! It's what I live for. And Shauna, your puns are terrific...remind me of my stepfather's corny humor! Peggy, I know you have it in you to do something like what you commented on, and to Summer and Anonymous, thanks so means a lot to me.

  6. I love the Art Studio.... it's amazing!

  7. I love the first collage depicting an art studio.


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