
Friday, March 22, 2013


(This contest is now closed, but there will be others!)
I appreciate my followers and want to reward such loyalty with an art book, brand new, to the one whose name is drawn at random when the contest ends.

This big, beautiful freebie is for a follower of this blog, so if you must sign up now to qualify, please do! It's my hope that you stay with me for future giveaways, too. 
art book, book on painting
This art book includes all the major paint media!

All the usual rules apply: Leave a comment below, at this post. If you win, you must privately send me your postal address within a reasonable time. I will not use the address for any purpose other than to send you the book. I will announce the winner's name in a future post, likely between March 30-April 1, 2013. Thanks in advance for participating!

mixed media art blog


  1. Hi, Paula, I follow your blog by e-mail and I enjoy reading it!

  2. I enjoy following your blog, and yes would love the book...By the way the yellow printing was very hard to read on my email...
    contact me at if I win.
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Whew! Had to make sure i was a follower and i already do follow. Looks like a great Giveaway! Thanks Paula! Hugs!deb

    nuleaf at comcast dot net

  4. Paula, I am a blog follower as well as LinkedIn follower. I would love to connect with you on LinkedIn to expand my Network of fellow artists and artisans. I am a new member and do not have many connections. Contact me via email or through Linked In Gentle Studios

  5. Hi Paula!
    Thank you for your offer. However, I would have joined your blog anyway. I read several different blogs. They give me inspiration and ideas. I am a self taught mixed media artist and sell my art along with some of the Stampington magazines in my shop on You can learn more about me on my blog at and my personal blog about my son on I would appreciate if you would follow me in return. Thanks!

  6. Lynn, I will go right to LinkedIn after this and connect with you! Thanks so much for the invite!
    Vivian, it never occured to me about the light text in email, and thanks to you I will remember that from now on. Gracias!
    And ScrapperJude and everyone else, thanks for your great comments! I appreciate them SO much!

  7. I am already a follower of your blog and enjoy the tutorials and art you so generously share!

  8. I'm a follower-love your stuff, and your humor.


Your kindness in leaving a message is greatly appreciated!