
Monday, July 16, 2012

Altered Art Assemblage ! & Contest Winner Announced!

altered art, paula guhin
Antebellum, 12 x 14"
Assemblage from recycled materials
by Paula Guhin
The construction above is made from an inverted hanging basket, tiny plastic birds that were painted, and, of course, doll parts. I know some viewers will find the mis-matched arms and my treatment of this piece to be gruesome, but I made it thusly because I like the contrasts. Please feel free to leave gentle comments without unkind thoughts. 

Announcing the Prize Winner of Last Week's Contest!
Daisukisan11 was the user name that was drawn at random from the comments that were left for this giveaway. If she is a follower of this blog, she is eligible for the freebie, a largish painting pictured last week. When she sends me her snail mail address, I will use the USPS to mail the artwork to her. Thanks to all who comment, and especially to my followers, whom I appreciate so very much.

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