
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Contest...Freebie! Blog Candy for my Blog Followers!

This is my way of saying thanks to the kind people who follow my blog, and to encourage new ones, of course. Nothing for you to do except BE a follower! I will put all the screen names into an impartial drawing (my husband won't look, I promise) on the evening of December 26, and announce the winner here. Of course I will need the winner to email me his or her USPS (snail mail) address, to send out the prize, a framed artwork, shown below. This piece also appears on page 133 of the book, Image Art Workshop.
I will ship the artwork internationally if the winner is not from the U. S. 


  1. Oh Paula,
    I'm so glad I stopped by! I'd love to be in your drawing for your beautiful artwork!!Congrats on it being featured in Image art workshop! I'll do a post on my sidebar!

  2. I discovered your Blog via Lynn Stevens. This is incredible artwork. Of course I would love to win it. Lynne M


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